Earthquake: Damage Grade Prediction Executive Summary

Final Project
Data Science 3 with R (STAT 301-3)


Sydney Lee

Cassie Lee

Hannah Ma


June 4, 2024

Github Repo and Data Source
  • 1 Jules. (2022). Earthquake Richter Prediction Competition. Kaggle.

  • Objective and Data

    The project seeks to predict the damage grade of buildings following the April 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal using the structural characteristics of buildings. The problem is a multi-class classification problem categorizing damage into minimal, medium/considerable, or near complete damage levels using the target variable damage_grade. The data source was downsampled to 18,000 observations with 6,000 observations in each damage grade category. 39 predictors were included in the dataset which was complete with no missingness.

    Methods Overview

    Model development is split into an initial exploratory phase followed by further refinement of best-performing models. Vfold cross-validation was used during tuning via a resample set of 10 folds with 3 repeats stratified by damage grade.

    The Macro averaged F-measure (MAFS) was used as the performance metric because this metric is good for working with multiclass classification problems

    Initial Model Exploration

    Recipes Used:

    • Kitchen Sink
    • Variable Selection
    • Feature engineering 1
    • Feature engineering 2

    Model Types Tuned:

    Each of the following models were tuned using the recipes above. The Naive bayes baseline model used the kitchen sink model while the other tuned models used a mix of variable selection and feature engineering recipes.

    • Naive bayes baseline model
    • Boosted tree
    • Multivariate adaptive regression splines
    • Neural network
    • Elastic net
    • Random forest
    • Support vector machine polynomial function
    • Support vector machine radial basis function
    • Ensemble with boosted tree, random forest, elastic net, and support vector machine member models

    Model Performance:

    Boosted tree, random forest, and multinomial regression models performed best and were moved to the next stage., depicted visually in Figure 1. An ensemble model using these types as members also performed well.

    Figure 1: Visual depiction of initial model performance (excluding ensemble model)

    Model Refinement Stage

    Model Types:

    • Boosted tree with xgboost, lightboost, and catboost engines
    • Random forest with ranger engine
    • Ensemble with boosted tree, random forest, and elastic net member models

    Improved Feature Engineering:

    Table 1 summarizes the new recipes developed during this stage. Each model type was fitted with the new recipes developed during this stage.

    Table 1: Descriptions of Recipes Used in Model Refinement
    Recipe Shorthand Description
    Feature Engineering 3 FE3 Predicts damage grade with all predictors. Removes explicit missingness encoded as numerical values in the building age variable and imputes with other highly-correlated predictors. ‘Others’ rare levels contributing to <5% of the dataset. Dummies nominal predictors, removes near-zero-variance columns, and normalizes all numeric predictors. Also includes steps featured in FE3.
    Principal Component Analysis PCA Implements principal component analysis by creating interaction terms between all predictors and then reducing dimensionality. Also includes steps featured in FE3.
    Tuning step_other Other Tunes the threshold for ‘othering’ a level in step_other. Also includes steps featured in FE3.

    Model Performance:

    Table 2 shows the MAFS and run times of the best performing random forest and boosted tree models along with the average run times for each model.

    Table 2: Performance Metrics of Best Random Forest and Boosted Tree models (Refined)
    wflow_id .metric mean std_err average runtime (s)
    rf_fe3 f_meas 0.6276903 0.0023860 1708.1116
    bt_catboost_other f_meas 0.6269855 0.0022532 167.2114

    The ensembles perform the best with the Other recipe. Table 3 shows the best estimated performance of each member model. This ensemble model weighted boosted tree models the most heavily.

    Table 3: Best-Performing models of each Type in Other Ensemble
    Model Type mean std_err
    rf 0.6323375 0.0025989
    bt 0.6248109 0.0025596
    en 0.6106990 0.0025337

    Final Model Analysis

    Considering the highest estimated MAFS achieved by models during refinement, the tuned ensemble model using the Other recipe was selected as the best/winning model. Table 4 shows the performance metrics of the final ensemble model making predictions on the testing data, which qualitatively indicates fairly good performance according to roc_auc, but not good performance for f_meas.

    Table 4: Performance metrics and runtime of final ensemble model using Other recipe.
    metric performance runtime (s)
    f_meas 0.6413545 112.915
    roc_auc 0.8255142 112.915

    Figure 2 displays the confusion matrix of this final model.

    Figure 2: Confusion matrix of final ensemble model

    Conclusions and Future Directions

    We found that while most variables included in this dataset are important for prediction accuracy, but not all levels in each variable are important or relevant, suggesting that streamlining of architectural classification can be useful for earthquake damage prediction.

    Immediate next steps to expand upon these findings are to:

    1. Repeat the analysis on the remainder of the data that was unseen due to downsampling, or to acquire greater computational resources to better incorporate the data we were given into our modeling pipeline.

    2. Determine what the obfuscated variable levels represent, which could inform improved feature engineering.


    1. Jules. (2022). Earthquake Richter Prediction Competition. Kaggle.