Helicobacter pylori

My research with H. pylori focuses on the social and ecological determinants of exposure with an emphasis on gender and urban development. I have contributed to a paper on H. pylori among the AwajĂșn of the Peruvian Amazon, and I am currently working on a paper on H. pylori in Metro Cebu, Philippines.

Health and Hydroelectric Dams

I am working on exploring the variation in stress-related hormonal patterns in women impacted by the development of the Thwake Multipurpose Dam in Makueni Kenya. I analyzed salivary cortisol concentrations while working as a Summer Undergraduate Research Assistant (SURA) for Northwestern Institute for Policy Research.

Social Cohesion and Greenspace

For my senior thesis project, I am exploring how the metrics we use to measure residential access to greenspace impact the conclusions we draw about the relationship between social cohesion and mental health. Using data from the Study of active neighborhoods in Detroit, I explore the difference between static and dynamic measures of greenspace. I also created a project based at Northwestern, Evanston Neighborhood Community Relationships and the Environment, exploreing the difference between objective and subjective measures of greenspace.

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